You can choose to simply upload your documents using our uploader tool or use our self-guided wizard to provide the necessary information.
Quick review of tax-exemption
Gain tax-exempt status in as quickly as 15 minutes (for some organizations, it might take up to 24 hours).
Avoid manual processing of tax refunds
Once approved, purchasers in your organization can make eligible tax-exempt purchases from, its affiliates, and participating independent third-party sellers, avoiding the need to contact Customer Support for refunds.
Guide purchasers towards tax-exempt sellers
You can create tax-exempt buying policies that restrict or block buyers from purchasing from sellers that do not participate in ATEP.
Manage access to tax-exempt purchases
Choose purchasing groups within your organization that can make tax-exempt purchases.
Optimize your tax-exempt buying experience
Four tips to get started on Amazon Business for tax-exempt organizations.
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